2007年9月24日 星期一

liquid crystal

Reinitzer porposed three important feature of cholesteric liquid crystal:
1. the existance of two melting points
2. the reflection of circular polarized light
3. the ability to rotate of polarization direction of light

Types of liquid crystal:
1. thermotropic liquid crystal
a. smectic
b. nematic
c. cholesteric (chiral nematic)
d. discotic
2. lyotropic liquid crystal

1. 存在兩個熔點
2. 反射圓柱偏振光
3. 旋轉偏振光的方向

1. 向熱性(熱致性)
a. 層列相
b. 向列相
c. 膽固醇相 (手性向列相)
d. 柱狀相
2. 向液性(溶致性)

ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_crystal
